Refund Policy

Please read this Refund Policy carefully before purchasing from website (the “Service”) operated by C&E Networks, Inc. (“us”, “we”, or “our”) .

All sales are final – there are no refunds or returns. Our products are “Made to Order” and can’t be refunded.

We accept returns for refund or exchange, for items damaged in transit. If you receive a damaged or defective item, we will replace it with one in proper condition.

To be eligible for an exchange, you must first email us within 7 days of receiving your order to to alert us of the damage.

Lost or Stolen Packages:

C&E Networks, Inc., operators of website, is not responsible for lost or stolen packages confirmed to be delivered to the address entered for an order. Upon inquiry, C&E Networks, Inc., operators of website, will confirm delivery to the address provided, date of delivery, tracking information and shipping carrier information for the customer to investigate.

Questions?  Please see your receipt for our contact information or contact us at

Thank you!